Doctoral Degree Programs


Course Class Credit Hours
731- 741 Old Testament History 6
732- 742 Archaeology of the Bible 12
733- 743 Systematic Theology 6
734- 744 New Testament Church and Ministries 6
735- 745 Expository Preaching 6
806- 826 Philosophy of Religion 6
807- 827 Ministerial Ethics 12
808- 828 History of Doctrine 6
Total Credit Hours 60



Course Class Credit Hours
732- 741 Old Testament History 6
736- 746 Music Appreciation 6
737- 747 Value of Christian Education 6
738- 748 Curriculum and Research 6
739- 749 Christian Mission 6
810- 831 Christian Counseling 6
811- 841 U.S. History 6
812- 842 Old Testament Canons 6
813- 843 Psychology Counseling 6
814- 844 Biblical Beliefs 6
Dissertation/ Research 0
Total Credit Hours 60



701- 721 Communication

            An in-depth and comprehensive examination of the transmission of communication as it relates to Church organization and administration.

702- 722 Personal Development

            The candidate is expected to prepare a life situation using Biblical principles and examples, the candidate’s personal philosophy of sin, salvation, God’s eternal purpose, and the ultimate goal of history. The inspiration of the Bible is carefully considered.

703- 723 Creative Composition

            This is the initial step in the development of the topic or theme that will be submitted for this degree program. This course will explore the various methodologies that need to be properly examined in order to write a thorough and provocative thesis.

704-724 Church Management/ Administration

            This course provides for the analysis of strategies, goals, challenges and perplexing methodologies that the institutional church has to face. Strategies for budget development and constitution questions will be covered.

731- 741 Old Testament History

            This course included a chronological and historical survey of the Old Testament literature, with special emphasis given to the theological contribution of that period.

732- 743 Systematic Theology

            This course included the study of the idea of theology, materials of theology, the existence of God, the Scriptures, and Revelation from God, the Nature Decrees, Works of God, and Doctrines of the Trinity.

734- 744 New Testament Church and its Ministries

            This study includes the Apostolic Ministries, the Apostolic Fathers, the Church Fathers, the Pastoral Ministries, Teachers, Evangelists, and Prophets.

735- 745 Expository Preaching

            This course includes an exegetical study, preparation and delivery of expository sermons.

736- 746 Music Appreciation

            This study includes learning the techniques of different composes and their compositions, appreciating and exploring the different styles of yesterday’s music as well as today’s. Also included in this study will be learning to read music and how to direct.

737- 747 The Value of Christian Education

            This study includes an examination of the origin, extent, influence, potential, and value of Christian education on the induvial, the family and society.

738- 748 Curriculum and Research

            This study includes an understanding of how goals and objectives are established, achieved and measured, planning and implementation and curriculum research as appropriate.

739- 749 Christian Mission

            This course includes an in-depth study of the Church and its mission, the Pastor and his mission, Modern research and mission.

760- 770 Psychological Counseling

            This course deals with the counselor, the counselor’s educational background and training, counseling methods, philosophy, psychology, and techniques, the use of audio/visual aids in counseling, application methods and principles, and practice through classroom training.

761- 771 The Value of Christian Counseling

            This course includes an intensive study and review of the Bible so that the candidate may formulate a truly Biblical view of human behavior and apply Scripture as an effective tool in counseling.

762- 772 Comparative Psychology

            This course includes a comparative analysis of the various psychological approaches to psychotherapy against a background of Scriptural philosophies and modes of diagnosis and treatment.

763- 773 General Psychology

            This course includes a study of psychology, psychological thought processes, theory and practice, behavior and behavioral trends and patterns, and confliction schools of thought.

764- 774 Counseling Case Studies

            This study includes a counseling course dealing with specific problems encountered by Pastors and Counselors, with particular emphasis on courtship, marriage, children and adolescence.

801- 821 New Testament Comprehension

            This course attempts to pull the major process of the details on the New Testament and explores the major themes that come out of the discussion.

802- 822 The Book of Romans

            An intensive study of the most sympathetic thoughts of the Apostle Paul. Emphasis is placed upon Pastoral principles that Paul presents.

803- 823 Discipleship Strategies

            This class covers the process of training Church officers and Laymen in understanding the process of discipleship.

804- 824 Biblical Exegesis

            This class is an important step to the proper interpretation of the Bible.

805- 825 Pastoral Epistles

            This course in an in-depth query into the Pastoral strategies that the Apostle Paul utilized in answering question of doctrine, keeping unity in the church, and in ironing out a consensus on dealing with the diversity of the local situation.

806- 826 The Philosophy of Religion

            This course includes a study of the various aspects of the Religious experience examined from a philosophical perspective.

807- 827 Ministerial Ethics

            This course includes a study of the ethical principle of Christian ministry, including moral behavior, ethical principles of administration, management duties and responsibilities.

808- 828 History of Doctrines

            This course includes a study of the idea of doctrines, the development of doctrine, the various doctrinal beliefs, conflicts and the application of doctrine.